UPDATE:  Paul had a rough night last night. As you can only imagine, he received a lot of information yesterday. And, while we tried to keep it at a high level, it was still a lot to take in.

And, because we didn’t know he would be waking up, he had a lot of visitors yesterday (I just counted 17 and I may have missed a few) which was also very emotional for both sides – Paul and the visitor.

The nurses have asked to give him a few hours of no visitors, and to limit visitors today to only a few to allow him time to rest.

Please know – God gave Paul back to us. We will have him for a long time.  I know we all want to see him and hold him and love on him – me included. However, we need to do what’s best for him right now. 

Please know that everyone is welcome to come to the hospital. We are in the waiting room and truly appreciate the company. Please also know that might mean not seeing Paul. At least not today. We will see what tomorrow brings. 

Thank you for understanding!  

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Hello! My Name is Jennifer Muszik

I am a blogger, business consultant and executive coach

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