Today has been a very busy day for Paul!

  • Lungs – he is still on nasal cannula and doing great!
  • Kidneys – waiting for dialysis. Creatinine spiked pretty high. He will have the dialysis today so numbers should drop. Key will be Wed morning numbers.
  • Physical strength – doctor said it will take ~3 days of exercises for every 1 day in the ICU.  He had both PT & OT here today.
  • Food – Paul’s feeding tube was removed, so he was able to have a Popsicle, some Jello, lemon ice & sprite. Yummo!
  • All other labs look good or improving!
  • Sleep – he still needs to catch up on sleep. Hopefully, we will get up to the new room & both get some good sleep tonight.

Praying for kidneys to start working & sleep!

Will see if we have more news by end of day. Much love & thank you for praying!!

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