Paul is finally resting!  I am almost afraid to write that as I do not want to jinx it. He went nearly 48 hours with very little sleep  – 10-15 minute naps here & there. I’m just so glad he is sleeping!

I don’t have any of the labs yet. I will add those to a later post. I would assume his creatinine is up as he has been off dialysis for 1.5 days. So, we will wait & see.

Today’s prayer requests:

  • Rest for Paul. He needs it!
  • Hemodialysis – praying that clears his body of the residual medicines (sedation/pain).

And, happy birthday to Paul’s mom, Patti.  While I know this isn’t how she expected to spend her birthday, seeing Paul wake up and all of his improvements have been an amazing gift!

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Hello! My Name is Jennifer Muszik

I am a blogger, business consultant and executive coach

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