UPDATE: Today was another good day for Paul!
- Lungs – he is completely on room air – no oxygen needed.
- Liver, platelets, white count – all normal.
- Done with antibiotics & steroids.
- Only line left in him is for dialysis.
- Rash has completely healed.
Your specific prayers have been answered. I hope you can feel the power of prayer! It has worked!
I received a message from a neighbor who has been praying with his daughter for Paul. When he told her Paul was doing better, she said
“Wow! I think our prayers worked!”
Yes, they did! They really did!
Tomorrow – we will see what Paul’s labs look like. He will likely need hemodialysis tomorrow and will not likely be discharged before mid-week next week. This will allow him to get stronger and allow the doctors to watch his kidneys.
As I lay here tonight in the cot next to Paul, I am truly thankful.
- I am thankful for all of you!
- And, I am thankful for God’s decision to bring Paul back to us.
Fourteen days ago, we were in the ICU praying for Paul to live. Tonight, I was able to kiss him goodnight.